Category Archives: Dental Treatments

dental veneers in punjabi bagh

Dental Veneer

What are Dental veneers

Dental veneer is like a Dental Pearl which your dentist loves to put on your teeth to enhance the tooth beauty for a better, improved brighter smile. These are made up of dental ceramic material and are unbreakable and unstainable once they are put on teeth.

How should one decide whether we get the veneer done or not?

Veneers can alter the shape, size, texture, colour, appearance for good. If you’re unsatisfied with the way your teeth look you must consult for a smile changer dental veneers treatment. It can change your smile permanently. No one can make out whether something is done on your teeth until they make a dental visit accompanying you.

  • Sometimes teeth gets discolored due to root canal treatment;
  • stains due to some drugs like tetracycline,
  • excess fluoride content,
  • large resin fillings,
  • broken teeth,
  • chipped teeth.
  • Teeth that are worn down due to some reasons some naturally  misshaped teeth- peg laterals etc.

These are some conditions which can be permanently improved with veneers treatment.

How much is dental veneer procedure painful?

A dental veneer procedure isn’t  painful. This involves the preparation of a tooth at a very superficial level. Hence the painful nerves are’nt  approached/touched during this procedure.

Dental veneer replaces the tooth enamel and its placement is done maximally in enamel due to which the procedure is far from pain.

How much is the lifespan of a Dental Veneer?

Dental veneer when bonded to the tooth creates a very strong bond with tooth. It is said that you’re borne with it in your next life time.

The veneer is having micromechanical bonds with tooth. It doesn’t come out easily. It is a dental restoration with maximum longevity. Once it is done you can brush your teeth normally, eat with them normally. There is no hassle of regular maintenance for them, although one must visit dentist 6 monthly.

Shall I completely rely on a dental veneer for tooth transformation?

Hi everyone, this is a very technical question when comes to answering it.

As a indications of a dental veneer are clear cut- the discolored/chipped/broken teeth which needs the changes in shape or size or texture or length veneer just work very very well!!

Coming to the malaligned/ misaligned improperly arranged  teeth. One requires the biomechanical correction of their correct placement in jaws or I shall say once aligned dental veneer help them to give a beautiful appearance if required.

A transformation in properly aligned teeth are done with veneers although the positioning can be only mildly corrected.

If one is having spaces between teeth which are not big enough to be giving a full or wider look if  corrected with veneers then veneers you can do wonders.

Normally two front teeth gaping can be very nicely corrected with veneers.

Dental veneers are truly magical treatment.

Always Smile

How dental fillings in Delhi can help you?

What are dental fillings?
How dental fillings in Delhi can help you?
Dental fillings without pain in Delhi?

All these questions need to be answered as it is crucial to prevent your tooth from diseases. Dental fillings are the materials which one filled inside your teeth, they become cavities or bacteria free.

What actually is a cavity?

A dentist knows that when your teeth has something black be it a spot or a cavity it requires cleaning of teeth to remove that black spot and then it should be permanently filled with the filling that stays on the tooth.

At Zenith Skin Hair and Dental Centre, we treat your tooth to make it a bacteria free and to restore it back to its original shape and nature. Bacteria encroach the tooth enamel then the Dentin and lastly it encroaches the pulp. Pulp is the most sensitive area of the tooth. It is here the pain nerves and blood vessels are located. It is the heart of the tooth. By doing timely interventions we are preserving the pulp. Once bacteria touches the pulp it gets irritated and all the symptoms of pain starts coming.

Dental fillings at Zenith Skin Hair & Dental Centre , New Delhi is a predictable, permanent and pain-free solution for dental cavities.

Thanks and regards
Zenith team
#fillings #dentalfilling

Dental Aligners

The dental aligners are removable splints made of a transparent plastic fine. The combination of a series of aligners over time is the basis for performing invisible orthodontic treatments alternative to those performed with aesthetic, porcelain or sapphire brackets, or those performed using lingual orthodontics, which is really the technique of greater invisible character when wearing the brackets on the inner surface of the teeth.

The dental aligners are removable splints made of a transparent plastic fine. The combination of a series of aligners over time is the basis for performing invisible orthodontic treatments alternative to those performed with aesthetic, porcelain or sapphire brackets, or those performed using lingual orthodontics, which is really the technique of greater invisible character when wearing the brackets on the inner surface of the teeth.

In orthodontics with aligners, depending on the prescription and the control carried out by the orthodontist, the patient will change each of the plastic aligners every few weeks. These aligners are specially designed for each patient according to the state and plan of the orthodontic treatment in which they are. Depending on the complexity of the case, the orthodontist will also use other elements such as rubbers, buttons, microscrews, etc…

Orthodontics with aligners has been a profound change

This new way of performing orthodontics has meant a change, not only for the patient but for the orthodontists themselves.

  • The patient with this type of orthodontics gains in aesthetics, due to the transparency of the splints, and in comfort, since they can take them off and put them on by themselves in certain situations, such as meals.
  • The orthodontist must be trained and certified to be able to design the treatment plan with the aligners through software programs developed by the manufacturers of these devices.

In order to be successful in an orthodontic treatment with aligners, in addition to putting yourself in the hands of a good orthodontist in this field, the collaboration of the patient is very important, since, if the aligners are not worn at least 22 hours a day, The results may or may not be the ones initially expected, or they may take longer.

The appearance of this type of orthodontic technique WITHOUT brackets and that it is so comfortable and discreet allows many adults to decide to undergo orthodontic treatment. At the same time, it offers a very good alternative to braces for children and adolescents, who not only want to avoid injuries and discomfort during treatment, but also want, due to their personality, to prevent their environment from seeing that they are wearing braces.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

wisdom tooth removal in Punjabi Bagh
Wisdom teeth are the last of your teeth to come in, or erupt, through the gums. Sometimes a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, or stuck below the surface of your gums, and grows at an odd angle, possibly causing complications.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth — the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom.

If a wisdom tooth doesn’t have room to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), resulting in pain, infection or other dental problems, you’ll likely need to have it pulled. Wisdom tooth extraction may be done by a dentist or an oral surgeon. Some dentists and oral surgeons recommend wisdom tooth extraction even if impacted teeth aren’t causing problems, as a preventive measure against potential future problems.

Problems with impacted wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last permanent teeth to appear (erupt) in the mouth. These teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people never develop wisdom teeth. For others, wisdom teeth erupt normally — just as their other molars did — and cause no problems.
Many people, however, develop impacted wisdom teeth – teeth that don’t have enough room to erupt into the mouth or grow normally. Impacted wisdom teeth may erupt only partially or not at all.

An impacted wisdom tooth may:

  • Grow at an angle toward the next tooth (second molar)
  • Grow at an angle toward the back of the mouth
  • Grow at a right angle to the other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth is “lying down” within the jawbone
  • Grow straight up or down like other teeth but stay trapped within the jawbone

You’ll likely need your impacted wisdom tooth pulled if it results in problems such as:

  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Damage to an adjacent tooth
  • Development of a fluid-filled sac (cyst) around the wisdom tooth
  • Damage to surrounding bone
  • Complications with orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth


Tooth extraction is the removal of tooth from its socket without pain.

Teeth that are broken, decayed, impacted, loose require extraction , basically dentist judge it to be non restorable.

It may be necessary to preserve or improve your dental health.
Socket will slowly fill in the bone where the tooth root was through the formation of blood clot.

After extraction, few post extraction regimen are to be followedfor easy recovery.

Root Canal Treatment in Punjabi Bagh

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment in Punjabi Bagh, Paschim Vihar is a set of procedures designed to treat problems with the soft pulp tissue, which contains nerves and blood vessels within the tooth. Although some mistakenly think it is a painful treatment, in most cases the procedure is no more uncomfortable than a filling. It is actually one of the most effective ways to relieve some toothaches.

Root canal treatment in Paschim Vihar is necessary when an infection or inflammation occurs in the pulp tissue of the tooth. Pulp tissue consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerve cells; This explains why a problem here can cause such severe pain. In due time, the pain may go away, at least temporarily. However, without treatment the infection will not. It can lead to tooth abscess and can even cause systemic problems in other parts of the body.

Duct Treatment is your Ally

We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’d rather have a tooth pulled than have a root canal.” This may sound funny, but putting off a necessary root canal treatment is not. The idea that a root canal always has complications and pain is an old-fashioned myth. It is true that infection and inflammation of the pulp of the tooth can be very painful. But you must remember that root canal treatment in Punjabi Bagh eliminates severe pain and is not the cause of that pain.

Need another reason to stop putting off root canal treatment? What do you think about this? A natural tooth that is saved through a root canal and restoration helps to avoid the problems that usually occur when teeth need to be extracted. These problems can be: unwanted tooth migration or displacement, which can lead to chewing problems; need to place a bridge or dental implant, which can be more expensive and complicated; and even eventual loss of bone structure in the area of ​​the missing tooth.

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Problems

How do you know you need a root canal? Sometimes it is so painful that it is obvious. If you experience constant severe pressure and pain in your mouth, noticeable swelling and extreme tenderness in your gums, then you clearly need immediate evaluation and treatment. Another symptom that indicates pulp tissue damage is sharp pain when biting into food. Persistent pain after consuming hot or cold foods is an indicator of a possible problem. If you feel any of these symptoms, you need to get checked out as soon as possible.

Causes of Root Canal Problems

Root canal problems stem from infection and inflammation of the pulp tissue of the tooth. One possible cause of infection is deep tooth decay. Untreated cavities allow bacteria to make their way to the center of the tooth, where they can infect the pulp tissue. Chipped or chipped teeth are another route of entry by which bacteria can come into contact with the pulp. Any opening in the protective layer of enamel can allow bacteria to reach the pulp of the tooth.

Dental trauma (those that occur during sports or a car accident, for example) are one of the main causes of pulp tissue damage. In this case, it is essential to consult the best dentist in Punjabi Bagh immediately, to try to save the tooth and avoid future problems.

In some cases, extensive dental work itself can compromise the pulp tissue to the point that you will need root canal treatment. Multiple fillings or restorations on the same tooth increase the chances of this type of injury. Sometimes common procedures such as crown preparation or orthodontics can lead to root canal problems.

Stages of Root Canal Treatment in Punjabi Bagh

If an exam shows you need a root canal, don’t worry. It is one of the most common and effective procedures in the dental arsenal and can be done in one visit.root canal treatment in Paschim Vihar

The root canal treatment in Paschim Vihar process usually begins in the same way as a filling and without major discomfort: local anesthesia is given to numb the tooth and the area around it. For many patients, the worst is over.

Then, a small opening is made in the surface of the affected tooth in order to reach the pulp cavity and root canals. Tiny instruments, sometimes with the aid of a microscope, are used to remove dead or dying pulp tissue from the narrow internal canals. The cavity and empty channels are cleaned, disinfected and prepared to receive the filling made of inert and biocompatible material. Finally, adhesive cement is used to seal the opening of the tooth, thus preventing future infections.

After root canal treatment in Punjabi Bagh, your tooth may be slightly tender or sore for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen are effective in relieving discomfort, but prescription medications can be given if necessary. During this period, it is probably best to avoid biting hard on the affected tooth. However, all these symptoms should be temporary.

In order for the tooth to be more protected and to fully recover, a crown or other type of restoration is generally needed. The restoration can be done in several ways: with traditional gold crowns or with dental replicas made of high-tech tooth-colored material. In all cases, you will have made an investment in maintaining your dental health in the future.

As you’re suggested root canal treatment, Should you fear tooth pain? or should you fear about pain while undergoing root canal treatment? 

The answer can be YES and sometimes and in fact most of the times it is in NO.

Because of the recent local anaesthetic techniques and in hands of a seasoned dentist it should not be that painful that it seems to be.

This kind of procedure is done when there is an infection in tooth that means the pulp has been encroached by 🦠 bacteria it means that definitely that infection is prevailing inside the nerve of the tooth, the root canal procedure is done when you’re already in pain or sometimes only sensitivity with normal water or during pressure of food,there can be many reasons to root canal but most common reason is Dental Caries. 

It is an extremely successful treatment and it is the debridement of the tooth from all the infective tissue,it is filled with normal dental material, this dental material stays a very long period of time and gives strength to the tooth so one should not fear about root canal that how much pain it is going to produce to you because the profit of root canal is multifold.

You can expect a normal functioning tooth again in your mouth, isn’t it a wonder that something can be done and then it can be revived again to function for you. This is definitely a very good,effective treatment for dental caries management.

When there is already lot of pain in tooth? 

If the tooth is already in lot of infection, it is not proper or when there is a high amount of microorganisms inside and they’re not letting dentist to work painlessly, in that case treatment is deferred for another appointment and a coverage of oral antibiotics is given. Once tooth is limited by microorganisms and when the pain subsides treatment can be done.It can be in multiple sittings as well. 

Lastly, it is said to be painful but it should not be painful because it can be taken care.

Post and Core

It is a type of dental restoration required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth remaining after root canal treatment.

It is done so that to achieve strength and built a structure on grossly damaged tooth so that it can support a crown and give life to tooth.

A Post is cemented into prepared root canal, which retains a core restoration, which further retains a crown.

A Post also helps in redistributing the stresses onto the root thereby  reducing the risk of coronal facture.

Pit and Fissure Sealants

At Zenith, we do quarterly check on ypur kids teeth after six years of age and we assure a best of dental health.

Send an enquiry to know more.

Sealants seal the pits and fissures present in teeth as they are most vulnerable to decay/caries.

Food and bacteria stick and get stored on these areas creating big holes and hence pain in teeth.

Sealants make the surface smooth which is easy to clean.

It is done in children above 6yrs of age in permanent teeth.

Sealants can be resin based or glass ionomer based.

Once placed,they are checked quarterly.