Warts is a skin infection caused by HPV viruses. It can affect at any age and any part of the body. Since it is an infectious condition it can spread nearby and to other parts of the body.
On feet, it is painful while walking. It should be differentiated from corn. Because treatment modality differs for both corns and warts.
Corns occurs on pressure points of the feet and not due to infection. Hence the treatment for both conditions is different. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis before excising them (cutting them).
A skin specialist can differentiate between these two conditions.
Different treatment modalities available to treat warts are:
- RFA /Electrocautery/ Lasers
- Intralesional injections
- Multiple dressings after paring of the lesion (usually helpful in multiple plantar warts)
- Immunotherapy to increase body immunity
- Autoinoculation
- Cryotherapy / Liquid Nitrogen spray
- Topical treatment
- Oral medicines
Type of treatment is chosen depending upon age of the patient, number of lesions, site of lesions etc. We @ Zenith successfully treats many patients who have recurrence of warts and patients who have treatment failures