Category Archives: Hair Treatments

PRP for hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh

PRP for Hair

PRP Hair for alopecia treatment

At Zenith Skin Clinic, PRP for hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh, Paschim Vihar has become a most trusted and effective method to regain lost hair.

In the trichological field it is used to treat non-scarring alopecia.

PRP Hair: what is it?

The Platelet Rich Plasma is a concentrate of plasma obtained from a blood sample taken directly to the patient and contains a number of platelets up to seven times higher than normal blood.

PRP is in fact a completely natural substance that derives from blood and is obtained by centrifugation.

PRP for hair fall treatment in Paschim Vihar is a procedure to counteract hair thinning exploit the platelet content to increase growth factors and consequently accelerate the regeneration of hair follicles. Platelet Rich Plasma releases various substances that promote tissue repair, modulate infections and stimulate cellular maturation.

The result of the PRO-based therapy is visible on average after 3/6 months.

PRP Hair: how it works

Platelets are able to modulate physiological processes and promote cell replication. PRP infiltrations on the scalp stimulate hair regrowth.

The therapy involves the infiltration of platelet-rich plasma into the scalp and subsequent local massage. PRP stimulates the growth of new hair and the increase in diameter of existing ones.

Preparation of Platelet Rich Plasma

The PRP is obtained from a modest blood sample taken directly from the patient. The blood sample is centrifuged to separate the Platelet Rich Plasma from other blood components.

At the end of the separation, quality checks are carried out on a sample of the PRP obtained. The tubes containing the PRP are placed in special refrigerators and used as needed.

prp for hair fall treatment in Paschim Vihar

PRP hair infiltrations: procedure

Before PRP for hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh, the area to be treated is disinfected and, occasionally, a light local anesthesia may be performed. The dermatologist in Paschim Vihar proceeds to a series of PRP infiltrations in the thinning area of ​​the scalp.

The number of sessions required may vary from patient to patient.

PRP is a treatment indicated for patients who suffer from early stage alopecia or who have limited hair thinning.

Thanks to the infiltrations, patients can regrow hair, strengthen existing hair and improve its vitality.

PRP Hair: is it effective?

Several scientific publications have demonstrated the effectiveness of PRP in this area. Scientific studies have shown that infiltrations reduce hair loss and increase the diameter of the hair and the density of the shafts.

It can therefore be said that PRP represents a valid strategy to counter the hair loss process.

PRP hair: what are the advantages?

PRP for the treatment of alopecia is a completely natural therapy obtained with the patient’s own blood. It is also a minimally invasive and cheaper treatment than hair transplantation.

laser hair removal in Punjabi Bagh

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal in Punjabi Bagh, Paschim Vihar is, without a doubt, the most comfortable, effective, fast and economical solution to reduce or eliminate hair permanently.

At Zenith Skin & Dental Clinic, we are the best in offering you the latest cutting-edge technology in laser hair removal, as well as a trustworthy treatment with our medical control service for all our laser hair removal treatments. Our skin specialist in Punjabi Bagh has worked to offer you the best services, so that you can make your decision with complete confidence and peace of mind. So that you trust us.

Virtually painless, applicable at any time of the year and suitable for all skin types, areas and hair, the diode laser not only helps you remove hair or combat problems such as folliculitis or excess sweating, but also ensures regain soft, smooth and supple skin.

Advantages of Laser Hair Removal in Punjabi Bagh

These are some of the advantages of laser hair removal:

  • Less hair in less time
  • Less risk of injury to the skin (cooling system)
  • Improves the appearance and quality of the skin
  • Improves body hygiene
  • Less sweating and reduction of body odor
  • Removal of hair cystic (eliminates hair follicle)
  • Improvement of hydro and aerodynamic capacity (for athletes)
  • Favors healing

How is it laser hair removal procedure? 

Before starting the treatment, a brief consultation will be made to ensure that there are no incompatibilities or skin pathologies that do not allow the correct performance of the diode laser procedure. A skin sensitivity test will also be carried out to determine the level of tolerance and skin reaction to the laser in order to avoid skin injuries or aggressions and to detect the appropriate level of power to apply in order to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Through a head adapted to the area of ​​the body on which the treatment affects, the laser is applied that emits pulses per fraction of a second, to allow the hair to absorb the light and heat up. It is precisely the heat that damages the stem and bulb and prevents the hair from growing again. During this process, many follicles can be treated simultaneously, so this is much faster than traditional laser. After the session, a repair cream is applied to calm and hydrate the skin, but it is very common and normal to notice a slight redness or inflammation of the treated areas. It is a sign that the treatment has been effective. These effects will disappear in approximately 72 hours.

Some darker or tanned skin may experience small blisters or blisters that disappear after a few weeks. The frequency between sessions will depend on the recommended treatment for each situation and according to the intended results per area. The sessions last between 30 and 40 minutes on average and allow immediate reincorporation and without significant discomfort to daily life.

laser hair removal in Punjabi Bagh

Recommendations for laser hair removal in Paschim Vihar

Before treatment, the following steps must be taken:

  • Moisturize the skin in depth for at least three days with Centros Único post-laser cream.
  • In case of sun exposure or UVA rays, warn it before each session, to adjust the treatment parameters.
  • Do not depilate the areas to be treated with wax or tweezers a month before the treatment. Shave the area perfectly with a blade, except the facial area, which will be shaved by the laser operator on the same day of treatment.
  • Do not apply self-tanning products the week before the treatment, or bleach the hair to be waxed at least 15 days before it.
  • Have clean skin without makeup on the day of treatment.
  • Do not use cosmetics that contain glycolic or retinoic acid in the three days prior to the treatment, nor apply deodorant before or after the session (armpit area).
  • If the skin suffers from chloasma or a tendency to hyperpigmentation, use a local depigmenting agent during the two weeks prior to treatment.
  • In the event that you suffer from recurrent cold sores (more than once a month), advise the professional who attends you to start prevention treatment the day before the session.

After treatment:

  • Use protective cream, keep the skin hydrated.
  • Avoid inflammation of the treated areas by immediate application of other cosmetic products that contain alcohol.
  • Do not exfoliate or rub the depilated area with horsehair gloves or similar.
  • Do not perform hair removal methods before or after the session.
  • Avoid intense sun exposure or UVA rays during the first 7 days after the session.
  • In case of any redness, inflammation or changes in skin color, go to the center for consultation. In no case self-medicate.
  • Do not perform physical exercises, or swim in pools, or saunas in 24-48 hours.
  • Do not use hot water in 24-48 hours.

Hair Regrowth

Hair regrowth is possible, but only under certain conditions.

The current state of trichological science, in fact, does not leave the slightest room for all those miraculous claims flaunted with excessive superficiality by more or less accredited sources.

Hair regrowth for several years now, we have continued to profit profusely on the possibilities of hair regrowth, with a continuous media bombardment that affects above all those who, overwhelmed by the fear of baldness, tend to abandon themselves to clearly unrealizable promises. What is even more serious is that in many cases this behavior distances the subject from the only professional figure who can help him: the dermatologist.

Is it possible to regrow lost hair?

Fortunately, the follicles cease to be productive only several years after they stop producing strong, sturdy hair. First we see a long phase in which the hair continues to be produced, but finer and shorter; this process by which, with each new cycle, the follicles express increasingly weak and inconsistent hair, is called the process of hair miniaturization. It is possible to regrow lost hair by counteracting and reversing miniaturization until the follicle has completely atrophied, i.e. by intervening before it has finished its 20 regrowth cycles. In this sense, acting promptly with a targeted treatment is essential to prevent baldness from worsening.

The regrowth of hair in men with more or less accentuated receding hair, as well as that in women affected by hair thinning, although it does not produce thick and vital hair, occurs because there is no atrophy of the follicles until many years after having lost hair in those specific areas of the scalp. So much so that, if one observes carefully even with the naked eye, the hair is not entirely absent, but more properly it is miniaturized, assuming the appearance of very short and thin hair, scientifically called peli vellus. The fact that they are so small in size, so clear and transparent (devoid of pigmentation), demonstrates a growth failure and reflects their lack of health, due to an abnormality in the regrowth cycle within the hair follicles.

What makes hair grow back?

To intervene on hair loss you need to act promptly. It is good to reiterate that only hair that has not finished its life cycle can grow back.

So, in this case, what makes the hair grow back? There are drugs, which must be taken only after a medical consultation, able to offer good results, both to stop hair loss and to promote their regrowth.

Among these, for example, minoxidil and finasteride, the latter effective in the treatment of male androgenic alopecia.

To regrow hair, other ways can also be taken, such as stimulating anti- hair loss treatments and the use of suitable shampoos and hair lotions.

hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh

Hair Loss/ Hair Fall

Zenith Dental & Skin Clinic is a centre famous for hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh & Paschim Vihar, Delhi. Dr Vijay Singhal, the dermatologist in Punjabi Bagh explains, the hair loss, up to a hundred a day by the hair thicker, must be considered a normal physiological process parts of the hair. Hair growth, fall and regrowth is a cycle that repeats itself about 20 times during an individual’s existence. In some people, especially women, the duration of each cycle can reach 6 years.

As long as hair loss falls within the boundaries of this regrowth cycle, it should not worry and should be considered completely natural.

Hair loss problems cannot be generalized and there is no single and definitive solution for each case under consideration.

In order to start hair fall treatment in Paschim Vihar, it is advisable to understand first of all if the hair loss falls back into the normal physiological process or if otherwise it is an abnormal complication caused, for example, by problems of the scalp or hair bulb. In this case it will be necessary to understand the causes in detail and seek a specific solution to the case in question.

hair fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh

Causes of hair loss

The hair loss affects both men and women, although on average it is a problem that affects mostly males, in recent years research has revealed how this issue is affecting increasingly also the female gender.

Generally with hair loss we refer to a type of fall that takes the name of androgenetic alopecia, but there can also be other causes that lead to this phenomenon, thus configuring different types of hair loss.

Problems associated with hair loss

The alteration of the regrowth cycle is very often associated with head skin problems  that exacerbate the problem. These are problems such as itchy scalp, pain (often associated with periods of stress), dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. Although these alterations are not always strictly related to hair loss, it is good to highlight their presence when we decide to have our hair checked by a skin doctor in Paschim Vihar.

This is because in the scalp there are the “laboratories” where the birth and development of the hair, ie the hair follicles, takes place. When the work of the follicles is affected by external agents, in fact, there is a risk of significantly compromising the production cycle which, as we have seen, is a fundamental element in being able to boast a hair that is always strong and healthy.

The remedies for hair loss

To remedy the thinning of the hair with subsequent fall, contrary to what many claim, it is not impossible. Obviously it is necessary to find competent professionals who know how to objectively evaluate the individual case in question and any solutions available. Each problem must be analyzed in its specificity considering, in particular, what is the story of the person who, at a certain moment of his life, manifests a hair problem.

Hair Fall treatment in Punjabi Bagh, Paschim Vihar

It is possible to resort to aesthetic solutions to limit and contain hair loss, when the problem has no pathological causes.

In this case, choosing hair loss treatments is a valid remedy to act against this problem.

In fact, hair loss ampoules are presented as lotions capable of correcting hair loss, nourishing and stimulating the scalp to generate stronger and healthier hair.

Not only. Through the lotions for hair loss, the affections of the scalp, such as dandruff and excess sebum, will be eliminated, as well as counteracting the effects of the latter such as itching and pain in the scalp.